When I was 10 I dreamed of living in New York City. I dreamed that by 30 I would be settled in an amazin

When I was 18 I dreamed of being an interior decorator. I practiced on the walls of my bedroom. I also wanted to write poetry (thanks to teenage heartbreak) and own a bookstore (think Meg Ryan in You’ve Got Mail). When it came time to decide on a college major, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. So, I chose to be a business ma
jor, with really no attainable career goals. My dreams have always been bigger than I could ever achieve. Decorating, writing, and my love of books have so far turned out to be just a hobby.

Twelve years later I am in a position that requires me to get up at 4:30 in the morning and spend 3 hours of my day commuting. I do this for a job where I take money from people that they sometimes cannot afford to pay. Sometimes they cry. I do this for a job where I am willing to be talked to like I’m an uneducated, ignorant woman that will never make anything of herself. I can’t take it anymore. I am tired and I don’t like eating dinner 2 hours before I have to go to bed. I don’t like to make people cry. I have been in their shoes. And I don’t like being talked down to. I am much more intelligent than that.
I won’t bore you with the pathetic statistics on my being turned down or not even getting a call for an interview. Let’s just say, I have been seriously looking for 2 years. But all hope is not lost. When I thought my self-esteem couldn’t get any lower, this month employers have been buzzing with interest in me and my hard-working, committed, organized self. Please keep your fingers crossed.
Possibly in another 12 years my once seemingly impossible career goals will be within my reach. I still don’t know exactly what I want to do, but I have an idea. It will involve me doing what I love. It will include books and writing or decorating and for the OCD in me, organizing. Maybe an amalgamation of these things…a store that sells books and offers interior design/organization services where I can write down the ramblings in my mind and share them with the world.
P.S. I know you’re thinking “amalgamation”? It’s from the movie Parenthood. Don’t worry. I don’t use that word on a daily basis. That would make me a nerd.
I love your blogs....You should write more often.
ReplyDeleteI was impressed with "amalgamation."
ReplyDeleteAnd, you wanted to be an interior decorator way earlier than high school. Don't you remember that we both called that Sally Struthers hot line to get info on getting our interior design degrees in 5th grade?!?
Too bad Marshall doesn't have a closet design company. That would be like decorating and organization and OCD all in one.