On the positive side I did get the spend the weekend with my two favorite girls...my sister Niki and niece Aubrey. When they are around there is never a dull moment. They keep my cheeks sore from laughing and smiling so much.

I’m 30. Next week I will celebrate my 30th Valentine’s Day. And I have nothing good to say about that. Valentine’s Schmalentine’s…
I get the shaft. My birthday is a week before Valentine’s Day and I get the shaft every year. Significant other wise, my beau always combined my Valentine’s and birthday gifts. And Matt (I love you dearly honey) is no different. This year I am told that our March vacation is my Valenirthday (my new word) gift. Last year was the same, but at least it was in February. Last year was also our first Valentine's Day as a married couple. I got him a mushy husband card. Did I get one in return? No. If I remember correctly, our first Valentine’s together I got a pair of tennis shoes. In Matt’s defense, I did want them and didn’t have the money to buy them myself. But really…what’s the deal?
Blame Patty and Charlie for cursing me with a February birthday, not me. What does a girl have to do to get flowers or even a card?