Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Birthday Eve

I'm 30. Tomorrow I will be 31.

As far as celebrations go, 31 isn't the greatest to be celebrated. It's just another number. A larger number. I can feel my youth fading as I type this. How does time go by so quickly?

On the positive side I did get the spend the weekend with my two favorite sister Niki and niece Aubrey. When they are around there is never a dull moment. They keep my cheeks sore from laughing and smiling so much.
This weekend included lots of shopping, singing, and dancing. Aubrey is my sister through and through. She is so funny and so smart and is at the age where she now imitates and repeats (or tries to repeat) everything. When her and Niki are around, I forget that I can't dance worth a crap and swing my arms and hips to the music just in hopes that Aubrey will do the same. And when she does, it melts my swollen Auntie heart. She is the best thing ever. They together are the best thing ever.
I cried when they left today. I missed them the minute they walked out the door. I want to see them every single day. I want to be Mulkeytown. Maybe when I'm 32.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Valentine's Schmalentine's

I’m 30. Next week I will celebrate my 30th Valentine’s Day. And I have nothing good to say about that. Valentine’s Schmalentine’s…

I get the shaft. My birthday is a week before Valentine’s Day and I get the shaft every year. Significant other wise, my beau always combined my Valentine’s and birthday gifts. And Matt (I love you dearly honey) is no different. This year I am told that our March vacation is my Valenirthday (my new word) gift. Last year was the same, but at least it was in February. Last year was also our first Valentine's Day as a married couple. I got him a mushy husband card. Did I get one in return? No. If I remember correctly, our first Valentine’s together I got a pair of tennis shoes. In Matt’s defense, I did want them and didn’t have the money to buy them myself. But really…what’s the deal?

Blame Patty and Charlie for cursing me with a February birthday, not me. What does a girl have to do to get flowers or even a card?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Almost 31...

I’m 30. I’ll be 31 in less than 6 weeks; 5 weeks and 4 days to be exact. So today I find it a good time to reflect on the age I dreaded to become. Since I am an avid list maker, I don’t think there is a better way to reminisce on my year than with a list or two…or three. Enjoy!

The 10 Best Things About My 30th Year

-I survived. At 10 I thought 30 would be the death of me.

-I spoke with friends (or at least spied on them on Facebook) that I haven’t talked to since high school.

-We sold my crappy little car for more money than it was worth and now the Yukon is mine.

-Spent more time than ever with my family. A little girl named Aubrey had something to do with that. No offence to everyone else, but I can’t get enough of her.

-New carpet, new mattress and new sofa…yes, Niki…I said sofa, not couch.

-The summer. We spent more time that ever in the boat on the lake. I love it.

-I quit a job that was ruining me without having a replacement and was offered another position the next day. And honestly, the jury is still out on it.

-Vacations. Matt and I traveled to two places I have never been...The Bahamas for my birthday and Chicago for our 1st anniversary.

-I watched my little sister grow into a wonderful mother and Aubrey grow into a beautiful little girl.

-Another amazing year spent with My Matt. That makes 3…just a life time to go.

The 5 Worst Things About My 30th Year

-I spent more than 400 hours…almost 17 days…of my life driving back and forth to Urbana. I’m joking, people. I did the math.

-My OCD became more obvious and at times caused “heated discussions” at home.

-I was diagnosed with Diabetes

-My Grandma and Uncle Tony passed away.

-No baby yet.

Three Goals I Have For My 31st Year

-Relaxation…Mexico will definitely help.

-New career…possibly. I’m never content.

-Baby. Boy, girl…I don’t care. It’s all I think about these days.